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Weird Medical Facts

Does medical science interest you? Would you like to learn some quick weird medical facts? If yes, then go ahead and read on for the same.
Batul Nafisa Baxamusa
The world of medicine is limitless. Every day, experts find a new disease, come up with new treatments and begin new medical practices. This is because the human body is an intricate system. The complex functions of the body can come across a glitch and lead to a bizarre disorder or disease.
There are over a hundred strange medical facts that you will be amazed to know. We have enlisted here some very interesting, mind-boggling ones.

A Few Bizarre Medical Facts

  • Even when you sleep, your brain never stops hearing. The incoming sounds are just ignored by the brain.
  • Except for twins, everyone has a unique smell.
  • More calories are burned while sleeping than while watching television.
  • In earlier times, Romans used urine to clean and whiten their teeth.
  • The human brain cannot feel pain.
  • The jawbone is the strongest bone in our body.
  • It takes several years for the liver cells to replace themselves.
  • 3.5 ounces of weight can be supported by human hair.
  • One drop of blood consists of 250 million cells.
  • Every person has a unique tongue print.
  • It has been found that at least 1 out of every 4 orthopedic surgeons have cut or will operate on the wrong limb at some point of time in their career.
  • Studies have found that your thumb is of the same length as your nose. Now that we told you, didn't you attempt to try it out?
  • Did you know, 1 in every 1000 babies are born with a tooth?
  • A person can die from lack of sleep sooner than he/she will die of starvation, which takes at least a few weeks.
  • You will be surprised to know that more than half of the household dust consists of human skin; an individual sheds about 22 kilograms of skin throughout his/her lifetime.
  • A fetus develops fingerprints by the time it is 3 months old.
  • The female egg cell is largest cell whereas the male sperm is the smallest cell in a person. A female egg is about 175,000 times heavier than a male sperm cell.
  • The hardest substance is the enamel that covers our teeth.
  • The nerve impulses that run to and from brain can travel as fast as 170 miles/hour.
  • The fastest hair that grows on a human is facial hair.
  • The fastest growing nail on the dominant hand is the one that grows on the middle finger.
  • The nails of the shortest fingers are slowest to grow.
  • The average lifespan of the human hair is 3 to 7 years, only if it is not subjected to any kind of trauma or breakage.
  • Although called small intestine, it is the largest internal organ in a human body. It is four times as long as the height of an average adult.
  • The acid present in the stomach for digestion of food is so concentrated, that it can dissolve a razor blade.
  • The surface area of a human lung is as big as a tennis court when stretched.
  • The liver can perform over 500 different functions for the body.
  • If one removes 75% of the liver, 80% of the intestines, 1 kidney, 1 lung or any organ from the pelvic region or groin area of a person, even then the person can survive.
  • On an average, women blink more than men.
  • The size of a full bladder is about the size of a soft ball.
  • During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman generally dreams of frogs, worms and potted plants.
  • Women can smell better than men and can easily identify the smell of citrus, vanilla, coffee, etc.
  • Eyes of a person remains of the same size since birth. It is only the nose and ears that never stop growing.
  • The tongue is the strongest muscle in the human body.
  • There are over 300 billion new cells produced by an adult every day.
Apart from these medical facts, there are plenty of weird medical cases. Some people suffer from strange mental illnesses, some develop neurological disorders. Science keeps advancing each day and experts continue to find a few novel facts about the body. There sure is a long way to go till we discover all the functions capable by the human body.