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All About Lungs

Lungs are one of the most important organs of your body. They work with your respiratory system and helps to consume fresh air and get rid of stale old air. Lets learn all there is to learn about lungs!
Muneeza Jamal

Located inside Chest

Lungs are present inside your chest and take up a lot of space. There are two lungs of irrespective sizes present inside your chest.

Rib Cage Protection

Lungs have a rib cage protection. The single set of ribs is made up of 12 pieces. These ribs  connects your body's spine to your back. It then goes around the lungs for protection.

Feeling Lungs and Primary Function

Lungs are located inside your body. You can not see them but can feel their presence. Just place your hand on a chest and breathe heavily. The hext will get bigger in size, breath out to reduce it to actual size.

Primary Function

Lungs help to transport oxygen from air to supply it to your bloodstream.

Fun Facts About Lungs

Some of the interesting facts about lungs are shared below:

All the vertebrate animals have two lungs.

Left and right lungs are not the same size. The lung on the left body side consists of two lobes whereas the lung on the right side consists of 3.  Left lung is also small in size to make space for the heart.

One Lung for Survival

You can survive with one lung only. However, it will limit your physical ability, but with proper check and balance, you can still live a normal life. Many people around the world are living on one lung. People with large lungs can send oxygen to their body much faster compared to the rest. You can also increase the lung capacity with exercise.


  1. On average, an individual breathes about 11,000 litres of air each day.
  2. On average, adults breathe about 12 to 20 times a minute while resting.
  3. The study of lungs is known as pulmonology.

Diseases That Affect Lungs

Smoking is injurious to the health of your lungs.it may lead to lung cancer, COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease).

Another common disease affecting the lungs is known as Asthma. The asthma attack happens When your airways become narrower than usual. The narrow air passage makes breathing hard.

Lungs Diseases (Continued)

Pneumonia is another serious disease which makes oxygen absorption hard for you. Other common lung diseases include tuberculosis bronchitis and emphysema.